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sept 2016 "House of Memories" published in and Zeppelin, Nr. 143, 2016
july 2016 "House of Memories" published in
july 2016 "House of Memories" published in
march 2015 "Two Houses in Leis" published in Espaces Contemporains, nr.1/2015
jan 2015 "Two Houses in Leis" published in Elle Decoration UK, nr.169/Jan 2015
oct 2014 "Two Houses in Leis" in Neue Zürcher Zeitung Interior Design NZZ Blogs
jan 2014 "Two Houses in Leis" cover story in Wohnrevue, nr.1/2014
may 2011 Kronenwiese Housing published in Hochparterre Wettbewerbe 2/2011
"Two Houses in Leis"
on the cover of Wohnrevue
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